Lia McClane

I am a persistent and engaged problem solver looking for new and challenging opportunities.

I am a Software Engineer with experience in Full Stack Web Development. I am currently based in California in the greater San Francisco area.

My traditional education began in mathematics, then computer coding peeked my interest. I found a rigorous and reputable bootcamp in San Jose to leaner programming. I have worked for the last 3 years in a Sacramento based start up.

I love finding new niche nerdy hobbies to add to my repertoire. Some of those hobbies include: algorithm golfing, keyboard short cuts, juggling, speed rubix cubeing.

Daily Tech

In my current role, on the daily, I use PHP's Laravel, and assocaited tools such as Envoyer. I am skilled with Vue.js and have developed with Vue2 and Vue Compisition API . I composed many StorybookJS components for my companpies in house Ui Library. I am able to research and create API documenation on reliably.


Work History